Prom season can be very hectic. Most parents don’t even consider hiring a photographer until about a week before the big day. This leaves photographers like us on our toes because our schedule can change minute to minute.

When Kennedy’s mother contacted us about Riverbanks Zoo & Garden prom portraits, we were excited, but once we learned Kennedy’s best friend would also be joining for photos we were ecstatic. We love challenging/non-traditional/different scenarios. It helps us grow and try new things! Posing couples comes with ease, as it’s very common, but best friends have to be set differently so as to not be seen as a couple. We were up to the challenge! Clearly the images were going to be stunning just because of the girls themselves, Kennedy’s mother specifically wanted the portraits taken in the botanical gardens, which were in full bloom. What a dream!
We could’ve spent hours exploring all of the nooks and crannies with all of the dazzling flowers, but alas we could not. As we were ending the session, it was hard to stop shooting as the lighting was becoming so soft and perfect. Not to mention Kennedy and Graham have such playful personalities, which makes them fun to shoot. It seems just as I would remove the camera from my eye, another enticing or comical moment would present itself. Tim simply had to take my camera away just so I would stop snapping away. Haha!
Thank you to Kennedy’s parents, Kennedy, and Graham for spending the afternoon with us! It was a pleasure to meet you all, and we hope to have you in front of our camera’s again some day soon!
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